Saturday, January 6, 2007

Jan 3 Email from Cochabamba Bolivia

Hola from sunny Cochabamba Bolivia
Bolivia is great. I had the impression it was going to be really unsafe and tough here but it´s not at all. There are police holding guns outside every bank and many corners at night. Safe indeed.
I left Copacabana for La Paz and hung out for 6 days! Thanks Miguel for the tip, El Carreterro hostel rocked. We had a massive party on new years eve and every Argentinian and his dog seemed to be there singing and playing guitar or changa (some kind of mini guitar, don´t know if I spelt it right Wayne, sorry). After midnight struck we all went to the top of the building and watched the fireworks which went on for half an hour. What a sight! La Paz is in a canyon and people (as opposed to the City Council of La Paz) were letting off fireworks from windows, rooftops, balconies... it was amazing.Yes, there was none of that choreographed fireworks rubbish that goes on in Oz.
Other than that, I spent my time doing some educational things, like going to the Coca Museum to explore the various uses of the Coca Leaf both for indigenous people and the west - am I the only one that didn´t know Coca-Cola originally used cocaine ín it´s recipe? Interesting.
And besides the educational side of things, I spent many hours strolling the markets and stuffing my face. Market freaks and foodies take note AJ Nina Elli... and yes Selena, I do eat from the street stalls and have had no probs. I should tell you about the fancy French place I went to in Arequipa that served up bad fish (maybe I´ve already mentioned it?). Nothing against you Frenchies out there.
Prices are also glorious on the pocket.
One peach milkshake- 50c
One night´s accommodation- $3
One dinner serving of Pique, Bolivian dish- $1.20
Prices quoted are in $AUD including GST
So after bumming around in La Paz I am now in Cochabamba. It´s much warmer here thankfully, La Paz is a bit chilli. I was sleeping with two pairs of paints, three tops, my beanie, scarfe and socks. Not even a midnight police raid at our hostel could warm things up, although it was very exciting. Yes, it was quite an experience La Paz. And I haven´t even mentioned riding on the back of a ute down a hill with 7 others from the hostel... and then it started to rain!
Cochabamba is also flat, thankfully. Walking up and down hills in La Paz at nearly 4km about sea level was almost enough to kill me. They also have a very lively street buzz at night, although I dare say that could be those spooky Christmas lights that seem to emit some a very haunting version of some unrecognisable christmas carol. Last night in the plaza featured a dancing Michael Jackson who mimed and danced, yes, Minni Vanilli style. Also featured was Capoeira (awesome Brazilian dance-martial art) and some crazy comedian who made fun of his audience. Buy some popcorn from the street vendor for 1 boliviano and you are set for a night of entertainment in Cochabamba. So after Arequipa I went to Puno, Copacabana, La Paz and now Cochabamba. Tomorrow I´ll head off to Sucre which is meant to be nice, although I am not looking forward to 10 hours in a bus. Ouch. Thanks for your emails too, I do read them and will try to reply to every single one, eventually.
Love from Bolivia

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