Now we are in April I have sufficiently recovered enough to recall the week that was Carnival in Rio de Janeiro and to confirm from experience that Brazilians indeed know how to party.
Forget about being sensible and all those rules about drinking beer before midday- anything and everything is ok during Carnival.
But... "Where exactly may I shake my booty?" I hear you cry...
Rio's Carnival is not supposed to be as good as Salvador's which spills into all corners of the city. Rio is bigger and it is easy to get lost on a corner and wonder, "May I shake my booty here?"My advice is to meet some locals and ask, "Yo, where is da party at?" and I assure you it is nearby, very close...
Shannon and I are lucky enough to have lovely Nina living in Rio, a friend from Melbourne, so we got the low down early on and went shopping for our outfits in the local markets and got the low dodwn on which parties to go to. And during carnival we were up early at 8 or 9am getting ready for the day while the others in our hostel were hungover from the night before and getting it all wrong as day parties proved to be the best.
Needless to say we had an absolute blast!
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